Friday, May 31, 2019

Most Of My Friends Are Sakawa Boys And I'm Not Against It - Kofi Mole

Rapper and singer Kofi Mole has denied that he is into fraud or sakawa but has also revealed that he doesn't see anything wrong the act.

According to the "Don't Be Late" singer in an interview with Amansan Krakye on Radio Central, he revealed that he is not into fraud but most of his friends are into it and he is not against it.

The young rapper has been tagged as "sakawa boy" but he explained that Ghanaians hate to see someone looking good that's why they always question people's source of wealth.

"I don't know how Ghanaian think. When Ghanaians see you are looking good they begin to ask questions but someone will give his money to his girlfriend and someone will use his to buy clothes to wear in order to look good. Ghanaians hate to see when someone looks good and due to that people are afraid to spend their own money because when you do they will start tagging you with certain names", he lamented.

He also blamed the system for being the cause of this fraudulent act. Because there are jobs, the youth are using dubious ways to make money.

"People come to me and say they have heard that I do sakawa. Most of my friends are into it and I don't blame them for doing that. Man has to survive, people are hungry and nothing is going on. Maybe the person has completed school and there is no work. Some are selling and they are not buying so that's what they use to survive. My friends that are doing it have cars and they give me some to drive. So when you see me driving car it doesn't mean it's mine", he revealed.

Kofi Mole therefore rubbished sakawa rumours and asked fans to support his music rather.

"So that sakawa rumours is not true but most of my friends are into that and I don't have any problem with them because they are trying to survive. I'm not a sakawa, I'm just that normal boy who was doing buying and selling those days. The fans should concentrate on the music we are giving them and forget those rumours", he added.

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