Friday, June 14, 2019

E3 2019: Persona 5 Characters Join Catherine: Full Body


Japanese developer Atlus, creators of the Etrian Odyssey and Persona franchises, has announced a cross-over between the puzzle-platformer Catherine and RPG Persona 5 during E3 2019. The re-release of Catherine--Catherine: Full Body, releasing this September--will see Joker and the Phantom Thieves enter the platforming action.

Catherine: Full Body includes Persona 5's main English voice cast and features Joker as a playable character in multiplayer. The Persona 5 characters can be acquired by either purchasing the Digital Deluxe edition of Catherine: Full Body or buying the add-on after the game launches. In a new trailer for the game, Joker is seen scurrying across a mountain of constantly shifting boxes while the rest of the Phantom Thieves cheer him on. Check out the announcement trailer below.

Catherine: Full Body - Joker And The Phantom Thieves (Persona 5) Trailer

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This isn't Joker's first cross-over. The Phantom Thieves leader has also appeared as a color swap for Yu Narukami in BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, his outfit was a pre-order bonus for Sonic Forces, he most recently challenged Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as part of the game's Fighter Pass, and more.

In our original Catherine review, we said that the game "doesn't just challenge your hand/eye coordination: It challenges your intellect and your emotions."

Catherine: Full Body will launch on September 3 for PlayStation 4.

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